Eliot has had a camera in his hands since his childhood in Berkeley, CA. His language of love has always been taking photographs that capture family, emotions, and relationships.

Eliot’s classic style transcends fashion. His photos, deliberately untrendy, stand the test of time. He started shooting with film, developing black and white prints in the darkroom of his parents’ basement. He saw the transition to digital as a wonderful opportunity for creative and technical growth, exploding the limits of creativity.

Eliot has photographed hundreds of weddings and portraits over the last four decades. His specialty is people, although a decade as the sole photographer for the Hot Guys and Baby Animals franchise expanded his photographic vocabulary.

Eliot feels at home at quinceaneras and bar mitzvahs, weddings and anniversary parties, headshot and portrait sessions. Every image is a chance to explore love, connection, and relationships in depth.

My wife, Anne

My wife, Anne

Our dog, Henry

Our dog, Henry

My mom, Gertrude

My mom

Mydad, Felix

My dad

Oral History

designed, coded by Eliot Khuner